Connection Opportunities
There are opportunities throughout the year for patients and their families to connect with each other. We help to build a strong sense of community, support, friendship, and fun. Chapter Services hosts a variety of social events where members of the bleeding disorders community can come together. We encourage our patients and families to attend our events for the chance to network, share stories and learn that they are not alone. In addition to family-friendly events held at local venues, we also work closely with specialized medical summer camps where kids with bleeding disorders can join together and have safe fun.
Western New York BloodCare is committed to compassionately caring for patients, their families, and our unique community. In addition to providing state-of-the-art medical care, we are proud to offer a vast range of supportive programs and services. Western New York BloodCare has a foundation (the WNYBC Foundation) that is a Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation – this is also referred to as Chapter Services.
Empowering Patients
Furthermore, we believe information is power. In order to empower patients and families, Chapter Services provides a full spectrum of educational programs. We invite experts to present a wide variety of innovative topics to our local patient community—offering enlightening medical education, as well as sessions that address important issues such as medical insurance, stress management, and overall health and wellness.